Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Favorite Moments

Now that we are home, the members of the Bonny Eagle staff will be recording their memorable moments on this blog. (Most of them will wait until they've had a good night's sleep or finished their finals today and tomorrow.) This first one was recorded by Steven Murphy as we sat in the BWI terminal waiting to go home Wednesday night. So, keep reading our blog as we wrap up our impressions of this historic week. J.L.

One of my favorite moments was the morning of the Inauguration when we were walking towards the mall and the capital. Our tour bus was forced to drop us off about six blocks away from the mall. The time was 5:30 a.m. and we had already had a long two days, but our exhaustion was wiped away with the excitement of what we were about to witness.
As we began our walk we were met with hundreds of people herding through the dark streets, making it feel like we were in one of those movies where the world is ending and everybody is trying to make there way out of the city. As we continued the crowd became more and more compacted as it filed into the mall. Soon it got to the point where people were so packed together that you didn't have a choice to move in your own direction, the crowd just moved as one.

Steven Murphy


  1. I was an editor of the Eagle Times during my senior year at BEHS ten years ago, and I've really enjoyed reading this blog and Justin's stories in the PPH. Great job, guys - thanks for letting us enjoy your trip vicariously.

    How about keeping up the blogging with an official "Eagle Times" blog when you get home? It's the future of journalism...

    -Christian McNeil

  2. Hi Christian,
    Thanks for your note. What are you doing now? Are you in journalism in any way, shape or form? Also, since you made a great suggestion, what would you like to see in an ongoing Eagle Times blog?
    Ms. Lannin
